21 Mar Are You Tired?
Are You Tired?
How many of you are tired? Tired of all the things people expect out of you in a day. Tired of all the things asked of you and responsibilities to help people change their lives, or their mistakes, or to help them create something better and yet you still have to go home and be wife and mother and house keeper. Well, I think about our Lord and all the things He does on our behalf everyday to change it or make it better. He hears our pleas and our bargains. He is constantly working things out for our good ahead of time. I wonder how many of us just sit back and talk with Him without asking him for anything? This is one of my speeches and I so enjoy giving this one because it covers us all. Men, Women and Children we all get tired and think people expect too much from us from time to time. Have a blessed day my friends.
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