Soul Goal Tuesday

Soul Goal Tuesday

Today as I sat in front of the computer asking the Lord to give me His thoughts to write a friend posted this article. I felt it God driven.  My passion for being a mom has been incredible throughout my life. I wanted so much to have a mom who would love and support me, but did not have that blessing. What I did have, was a gift from God showing me through all this the mother I truly wanted to be. A long story short through many surgeries and Doctors telling me I’d never have that joy due to female issues I thought my life would crumble and my heart shattered forever. Well, I serve a Great Big God who still is in the Miracle business. I have been blessed with three wonderful children and was able to stay home and raise them. This is a book all in itself.

Through all the ups and downs of Motherhood I have been blessed by so much love and a love I never knew until the doctor laid my children in my arms for the first time and our eyes met. All I wanted to do is change the world for them. And hopefully I have had and will continue to have the opportunity to add my stamp to the lives of not only my children but the lives of others.

I was blessed with a Lord that kept pushing me to write my story even though it took four years to finish it is done. If you would like visit to purchase my book.

Please enjoy this article today on the gift of Motherhood

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